Obstacle or Opportunity?

Obstacle or Opportunity?

A fresh perspective on the ongoing labor cHALLENGE

The struggle to find and retain employees is nothing new in the foodservice industry. Just Google the phrase “labor shortage” and you’ll find all kinds of experts trying to explain what triggered this ongoing problem (the pandemic1), where all our foodservice employees have gone (industries that provide more benefits2) and what operators can do to move forward (offer higher wages2). 

The answer is never that simple, of course, so we’d like to share a more holistic perspective on attracting employees and keeping them happy. In part because we feel our industry’s labor challenges are much more nuanced than the generalized explanations above. 

It’s our belief that creating a more attractive work environment starts with understanding. Taking the time to see your employees, know their priorities and invest in what makes them thrive. We’re not suggesting you take a unique managing approach with every worker (because impossible), but there are things beyond higher pay that can make a big difference. Things that, despite what you hear about the generation gaps in our workforce, are meaningful to people of all ages — from Gen Z to Baby Boomers. 

So let’s take a look at how to turn labor obstacles into opportunities by incorporating a more thoughtful approach to managing our most diverse workforce yet.

Recognize and appreciate

Two people high fiving cheerfully

A recent study done by LiveCareer found that job prestige ranked as the highest priority across all generations of workers. People want recognition and respect. And they value being acknowledged for their success and achievements, whether it be an informal affair or through a rewards program3. Simply put, employees will be more engaged, motivated and dedicated when they feel respected by the places in which they work3.

Communication is key

There are distinct differences in the way each generation likes to communicate. Boomers, for instance, prefer face-to-face communication while Gen Z’ers would rather text4. Managers can’t embrace five different managing styles, of course. But they can take a step back and cultivate more effective communication by asking employees what they value, what they need to succeed and what their expectations are5. Taking the time to listen, empathize and provide as much choice as possible is what matters most to employees of all ages3.

Two people shaking hands

Offer more flexibility and control

Person writing on a whiteboard

Giving workers more choice and control is crucial when it comes to the foodservice industry. That could mean letting employees manage their own schedules or adjusting workweeks to give them more days off. Whatever the solution, providing more flexibility should be a priority whenever possible6. Not only will your employees appreciate it, they now have the leverage to demand it5. And rightly so. 

Money talks
Person opening a paycheck
Close-up Of A Businessperson’s Hand Opening Envelope With Paycheck Over Wooden Desk

Everyone knows money is important. And while it’s only one small part of the big retention pie, regular pay raises are highly valued by all generations. Especially during times of increasing inflation and a potential recession5.

Workers also want to know their pay, benefits and work experiences are fair. When the opposite is true, it’s one of the biggest reasons people will leave their jobs5. All you need to remember here is this: pay employees what they’re worth. 

Purpose and development

While career development is most important to Gen Z’ers, the opportunity for growth is still a priority among Millennials and Gen X’ers5. That means your organization can attract more employees by paying attention to where they want to go and committing to helping them get there. Asking employees about their ambitions and offering learning opportunities to help them achieve their goals will demonstrate that you’re committed to their futures.

Purpose is also a priority for all workers7. People want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves and they get inspired when they feel connected to the mission of their organization7. Take the time to show employees how their work fits into big picture goals and offers support to local communities.  

Two people working on a kitchen line


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to keeping employees happy and engaged. But you can make a big difference by implementing small changes that allow them to feel seen, heard and valued. The culture of your company matters, and it can be as important as employee pay and benefits. If you set yourself apart by offering better and more meaningful work experiences, you will be able to hire and retain the best people5. Even in this very competitive job market. 

You might not expect solutions to this ongoing labor challenge to come from a food manufacturer, but we think it demonstrates our ability to understand business problems holistically — that our premium products need to work in tandem with everything else that’s going on in your world.  
If you’d like to see how our fully cooked proteins can be game changers during a labor shortage
and how our unique thinking can turn your business problems into opportunities, please get in touch. 


Premium proteins

Who is Heritage Premium Meats?

Born to two legacy brands, Heritage Premium Meats is a distinguished collective built on listening, collaborating and sharing ideas that solve real business problems. Authentically crafted protein solutions that are rooted in tradition and ready for the future. 

For you, that means getting exactly what you need, just the way you want it. Whether it’s a private label product or flavor that’s uniquely yours, you can let your imagination lead the way when you partner with us. Because together, anything is possible.

1QSR, 2021
2Washington Post, 2023
3Forbes, 8/22
4Gordon Foodservice
5Forbes, 3/23
6News Nation Now, 1/23
7Forbes, 8/21

Obstacle or Opportunity?

Obstacle or Opportunity?

A fresh perspective on the ongoing labor cHALLENGE

The struggle to find and retain employees is nothing new in the foodservice industry. Just Google the phrase “labor shortage” and you’ll find all kinds of experts trying to explain what triggered this ongoing problem (the pandemic1), where all our foodservice employees have gone (industries that provide more benefits2) and what operators can do to move forward (offer higher wages2). 

The answer is never that simple, of course, so we’d like to share a more holistic perspective on attracting employees and keeping them happy. In part because we feel our industry’s labor challenges are much more nuanced than the generalized explanations above. 

It’s our belief that creating a more attractive work environment starts with understanding. Taking the time to see your employees, know their priorities and invest in what makes them thrive. We’re not suggesting you take a unique managing approach with every worker (because impossible), but there are things beyond higher pay that can make a big difference. Things that, despite what you hear about the generation gaps in our workforce, are meaningful to people of all ages — from Gen Z to Baby Boomers. 

So let’s take a look at how to turn labor obstacles into opportunities by incorporating a more thoughtful approach to managing our most diverse workforce yet.

Recognize and appreciate

Two people high fiving cheerfully

A recent study done by LiveCareer found that job prestige ranked as the highest priority across all generations of workers. People want recognition and respect. And they value being acknowledged for their success and achievements, whether it be an informal affair or through a rewards program3. Simply put, employees will be more engaged, motivated and dedicated when they feel respected by the places in which they work3.

Communication is key

There are distinct differences in the way each generation likes to communicate. Boomers, for instance, prefer face-to-face communication while Gen Z’ers would rather text4. Managers can’t embrace five different managing styles, of course. But they can take a step back and cultivate more effective communication by asking employees what they value, what they need to succeed and what their expectations are5. Taking the time to listen, empathize and provide as much choice as possible is what matters most to employees of all ages3.

Two people shaking hands

Offer more flexibility and control

Person writing on a whiteboard

Giving workers more choice and control is crucial when it comes to the foodservice industry. That could mean letting employees manage their own schedules or adjusting workweeks to give them more days off. Whatever the solution, providing more flexibility should be a priority whenever possible6. Not only will your employees appreciate it, they now have the leverage to demand it5. And rightly so. 

Money talks
Person opening a paycheck
Close-up Of A Businessperson’s Hand Opening Envelope With Paycheck Over Wooden Desk

Everyone knows money is important. And while it’s only one small part of the big retention pie, regular pay raises are highly valued by all generations. Especially during times of increasing inflation and a potential recession5.

Workers also want to know their pay, benefits and work experiences are fair. When the opposite is true, it’s one of the biggest reasons people will leave their jobs5. All you need to remember here is this: pay employees what they’re worth. 

Purpose and development

While career development is most important to Gen Z’ers, the opportunity for growth is still a priority among Millennials and Gen X’ers5. That means your organization can attract more employees by paying attention to where they want to go and committing to helping them get there. Asking employees about their ambitions and offering learning opportunities to help them achieve their goals will demonstrate that you’re committed to their futures.

Purpose is also a priority for all workers7. People want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves and they get inspired when they feel connected to the mission of their organization7. Take the time to show employees how their work fits into big picture goals and offers support to local communities.  

Two people working on a kitchen line


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to keeping employees happy and engaged. But you can make a big difference by implementing small changes that allow them to feel seen, heard and valued. The culture of your company matters, and it can be as important as employee pay and benefits. If you set yourself apart by offering better and more meaningful work experiences, you will be able to hire and retain the best people5. Even in this very competitive job market. 

You might not expect solutions to this ongoing labor challenge to come from a food manufacturer, but we think it demonstrates our ability to understand business problems holistically — that our premium products need to work in tandem with everything else that’s going on in your world.  
If you’d like to see how our fully cooked proteins can be game changers during a labor shortage
and how our unique thinking can turn your business problems into opportunities, please get in touch. 


Premium proteins

Who is Heritage Premium Meats?

Born to two legacy brands, Heritage Premium Meats is a distinguished collective built on listening, collaborating and sharing ideas that solve real business problems. Authentically crafted protein solutions that are rooted in tradition and ready for the future. 

For you, that means getting exactly what you need, just the way you want it. Whether it’s a private label product or flavor that’s uniquely yours, you can let your imagination lead the way when you partner with us. Because together, anything is possible.

1QSR, 2021
2Washington Post, 2023
3Forbes, 8/22
4Gordon Foodservice
5Forbes, 3/23
6News Nation Now, 1/23
7Forbes, 8/21

Obstacle or Opportunity?

Obstacle or Opportunity?

A fresh perspective on the ongoing labor cHALLENGE

The struggle to find and retain employees is nothing new in the foodservice industry. Just Google the phrase “labor shortage” and you’ll find all kinds of experts trying to explain what triggered this ongoing problem (the pandemic1), where all our foodservice employees have gone (industries that provide more benefits2) and what operators can do to move forward (offer higher wages2). 

The answer is never that simple, of course, so we’d like to share a more holistic perspective on attracting employees and keeping them happy. In part because we feel our industry’s labor challenges are much more nuanced than the generalized explanations above. 

It’s our belief that creating a more attractive work environment starts with understanding. Taking the time to see your employees, know their priorities and invest in what makes them thrive. We’re not suggesting you take a unique managing approach with every worker (because impossible), but there are things beyond higher pay that can make a big difference. Things that, despite what you hear about the generation gaps in our workforce, are meaningful to people of all ages — from Gen Z to Baby Boomers. 

So let’s take a look at how to turn labor obstacles into opportunities by incorporating a more thoughtful approach to managing our most diverse workforce yet.

Recognize and appreciate

Two people high fiving cheerfully

A recent study done by LiveCareer found that job prestige ranked as the highest priority across all generations of workers. People want recognition and respect. And they value being acknowledged for their success and achievements, whether it be an informal affair or through a rewards program3. Simply put, employees will be more engaged, motivated and dedicated when they feel respected by the places in which they work3.

Communication is key

There are distinct differences in the way each generation likes to communicate. Boomers, for instance, prefer face-to-face communication while Gen Z’ers would rather text4. Managers can’t embrace five different managing styles, of course. But they can take a step back and cultivate more effective communication by asking employees what they value, what they need to succeed and what their expectations are5. Taking the time to listen, empathize and provide as much choice as possible is what matters most to employees of all ages3.

Two people shaking hands

Offer more flexibility and control

Person writing on a whiteboard

Giving workers more choice and control is crucial when it comes to the foodservice industry. That could mean letting employees manage their own schedules or adjusting workweeks to give them more days off. Whatever the solution, providing more flexibility should be a priority whenever possible6. Not only will your employees appreciate it, they now have the leverage to demand it5. And rightly so. 

Money talks
Person opening a paycheck
Close-up Of A Businessperson’s Hand Opening Envelope With Paycheck Over Wooden Desk

Everyone knows money is important. And while it’s only one small part of the big retention pie, regular pay raises are highly valued by all generations. Especially during times of increasing inflation and a potential recession5.

Workers also want to know their pay, benefits and work experiences are fair. When the opposite is true, it’s one of the biggest reasons people will leave their jobs5. All you need to remember here is this: pay employees what they’re worth. 

Purpose and development

While career development is most important to Gen Z’ers, the opportunity for growth is still a priority among Millennials and Gen X’ers5. That means your organization can attract more employees by paying attention to where they want to go and committing to helping them get there. Asking employees about their ambitions and offering learning opportunities to help them achieve their goals will demonstrate that you’re committed to their futures.

Purpose is also a priority for all workers7. People want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves and they get inspired when they feel connected to the mission of their organization7. Take the time to show employees how their work fits into big picture goals and offers support to local communities.  

Two people working on a kitchen line


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to keeping employees happy and engaged. But you can make a big difference by implementing small changes that allow them to feel seen, heard and valued. The culture of your company matters, and it can be as important as employee pay and benefits. If you set yourself apart by offering better and more meaningful work experiences, you will be able to hire and retain the best people5. Even in this very competitive job market. 

You might not expect solutions to this ongoing labor challenge to come from a food manufacturer, but we think it demonstrates our ability to understand business problems holistically — that our premium products need to work in tandem with everything else that’s going on in your world.  
If you’d like to see how our fully cooked proteins can be game changers during a labor shortage
and how our unique thinking can turn your business problems into opportunities, please get in touch. 


Premium proteins

Who is Heritage Premium Meats?

Born to two legacy brands, Heritage Premium Meats is a distinguished collective built on listening, collaborating and sharing ideas that solve real business problems. Authentically crafted protein solutions that are rooted in tradition and ready for the future. 

For you, that means getting exactly what you need, just the way you want it. Whether it’s a private label product or flavor that’s uniquely yours, you can let your imagination lead the way when you partner with us. Because together, anything is possible.

1QSR, 2021
2Washington Post, 2023
3Forbes, 8/22
4Gordon Foodservice
5Forbes, 3/23
6News Nation Now, 1/23
7Forbes, 8/21

Obstacle or Opportunity?

Obstacle or Opportunity?

A fresh perspective on the ongoing labor cHALLENGE

The struggle to find and retain employees is nothing new in the foodservice industry. Just Google the phrase “labor shortage” and you’ll find all kinds of experts trying to explain what triggered this ongoing problem (the pandemic1), where all our foodservice employees have gone (industries that provide more benefits2) and what operators can do to move forward (offer higher wages2). 

The answer is never that simple, of course, so we’d like to share a more holistic perspective on attracting employees and keeping them happy. In part because we feel our industry’s labor challenges are much more nuanced than the generalized explanations above. 

It’s our belief that creating a more attractive work environment starts with understanding. Taking the time to see your employees, know their priorities and invest in what makes them thrive. We’re not suggesting you take a unique managing approach with every worker (because impossible), but there are things beyond higher pay that can make a big difference. Things that, despite what you hear about the generation gaps in our workforce, are meaningful to people of all ages — from Gen Z to Baby Boomers. 

So let’s take a look at how to turn labor obstacles into opportunities by incorporating a more thoughtful approach to managing our most diverse workforce yet.

Recognize and appreciate

Two people high fiving cheerfully

A recent study done by LiveCareer found that job prestige ranked as the highest priority across all generations of workers. People want recognition and respect. And they value being acknowledged for their success and achievements, whether it be an informal affair or through a rewards program3. Simply put, employees will be more engaged, motivated and dedicated when they feel respected by the places in which they work3.

Communication is key

There are distinct differences in the way each generation likes to communicate. Boomers, for instance, prefer face-to-face communication while Gen Z’ers would rather text4. Managers can’t embrace five different managing styles, of course. But they can take a step back and cultivate more effective communication by asking employees what they value, what they need to succeed and what their expectations are5. Taking the time to listen, empathize and provide as much choice as possible is what matters most to employees of all ages3.

Two people shaking hands

Offer more flexibility and control

Person writing on a whiteboard

Giving workers more choice and control is crucial when it comes to the foodservice industry. That could mean letting employees manage their own schedules or adjusting workweeks to give them more days off. Whatever the solution, providing more flexibility should be a priority whenever possible6. Not only will your employees appreciate it, they now have the leverage to demand it5. And rightly so. 

Money talks
Person opening a paycheck
Close-up Of A Businessperson’s Hand Opening Envelope With Paycheck Over Wooden Desk

Everyone knows money is important. And while it’s only one small part of the big retention pie, regular pay raises are highly valued by all generations. Especially during times of increasing inflation and a potential recession5.

Workers also want to know their pay, benefits and work experiences are fair. When the opposite is true, it’s one of the biggest reasons people will leave their jobs5. All you need to remember here is this: pay employees what they’re worth. 

Purpose and development

While career development is most important to Gen Z’ers, the opportunity for growth is still a priority among Millennials and Gen X’ers5. That means your organization can attract more employees by paying attention to where they want to go and committing to helping them get there. Asking employees about their ambitions and offering learning opportunities to help them achieve their goals will demonstrate that you’re committed to their futures.

Purpose is also a priority for all workers7. People want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves and they get inspired when they feel connected to the mission of their organization7. Take the time to show employees how their work fits into big picture goals and offers support to local communities.  

Two people working on a kitchen line


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to keeping employees happy and engaged. But you can make a big difference by implementing small changes that allow them to feel seen, heard and valued. The culture of your company matters, and it can be as important as employee pay and benefits. If you set yourself apart by offering better and more meaningful work experiences, you will be able to hire and retain the best people5. Even in this very competitive job market. 

You might not expect solutions to this ongoing labor challenge to come from a food manufacturer, but we think it demonstrates our ability to understand business problems holistically — that our premium products need to work in tandem with everything else that’s going on in your world.  
If you’d like to see how our fully cooked proteins can be game changers during a labor shortage
and how our unique thinking can turn your business problems into opportunities, please get in touch. 


Premium proteins

Who is Heritage Premium Meats?

Born to two legacy brands, Heritage Premium Meats is a distinguished collective built on listening, collaborating and sharing ideas that solve real business problems. Authentically crafted protein solutions that are rooted in tradition and ready for the future. 

For you, that means getting exactly what you need, just the way you want it. Whether it’s a private label product or flavor that’s uniquely yours, you can let your imagination lead the way when you partner with us. Because together, anything is possible.

1QSR, 2021
2Washington Post, 2023
3Forbes, 8/22
4Gordon Foodservice
5Forbes, 3/23
6News Nation Now, 1/23
7Forbes, 8/21



The new year is upon us and when it comes to the latest foodservice trends, we’re seeing everything from obvious to extreme. What does it all mean for you? Here’s our take on four trends that could be significant for your business.

Trend One: The Power of Nostalgia

Vintage style photograph of a white Russian beverage
Vintage style photograph of corn dogs

Since the pandemic, many Americans have turned to brands and foods that remind them of simpler times1. Yes, old is the new new in the dining world, and we’re seeing everything from pimento cheese spreads and Baked Alaska to Dirty Shirleys and White Russians show up on menus.

Fast food chains are embracing this trend by bringing back a variety of seasonal items from the 80s2. Some are even going back to their 90s logos for a more retro look and feel3. On the fine dining side, we’re seeing twists on kid classics, like specially sourced premium beef for an elevated take on the corn dog. 

Whatever the dish, restaurants everywhere are riding this nostalgic wave as the popularity of retro foods and drinks grows.


Nostalgia-inspired cravings can vary across the generations, making them the perfect inspiration for an LTO. Start with what you know by bringing back some of your own nostalgic favorites. Need a little retro inspiration? Get in touch and we can help you figure out what’s right for your menu.

Trend two: Sustainability Now

Admittedly, the topic of sustainability in the restaurant world is too vast to cover in a few short paragraphs. What we want to focus on is just how significant environmental responsibility is to your customers. And ultimately for you.

Gen Z and millennials are taking the lead in the sustainability conversation4. For them, it’s now or never — the health of our planet is reaching a breaking point — meaning that the businesses they support must have a sustainability commitment that goes beyond table stake gestures5

What’s important here is that operators across ALL segments (not just eco-conscious indie chefs) need to take a hard look at their carbon footprint, packaging choices and anything else that might impact the health of the planet5

There’s a new generation of consumers emerging. People who want and expect their food to come from companies that are actively healing the planet through 1) carbon-reducing agriculture 2) ethical animal welfare policies and 3) the equitable treatment of those who grow and produce our food6.

Shot of an unrecognisable woman using a digital tablet while working on a farm

Close Up Of Female Worker in Cafe Serving Meal In Sustainable Recyclable Packaging With Wooden Spoon


Consumer expectations are high. Sustainability plans can no longer sit on the back burner. And whatever you can do to embrace more transparent and measurable environmental standards, the easier it’ll be to stay relevant to your customers.  

Large restaurant chains are best equipped to make a visible impact on waste reduction, green packaging and sustainable sourcing based on the sheer volume of their output. That said, implementing such standards takes time, so nudge it to the top of your priority list. 

Either way, now is the time to get started or expand what you’re already doing.

Trend three: Vinegar, pickles and brine (oh my!)

Preserved food in glass jars.

“Brine Dining” is expected to be one of the bigger trends of 20237. In fact, pickle-flavored food searches have grown by 55% in the past year8. We’re seeing new twists on these flavors show up in everything from drinks and cocktail garnishes to side dishes, entrees and desserts. 

Why? It’s not totally clear — especially when pickles can be polarizing — but we do know that a big part of the intrigue has to do with their distinct flavor and texture. Pickles are salty, tangy, mouth-puckering and delicious (in our opinion). And let’s not forget that satisfying crispy crunch. 

Then there’s the multiple uses for leftover pickle juice, which can add briny flavors to baby carrots, olives or pretty much any vegetable that will fit in the jar. Pickle juice can also be used in salad dressings, cocktail mixers and so on. 


Whatever your take on the rising popularity of pickled things, now’s the time to incorporate more of them into your menu. Briny and fermented flavors are an ideal pairing with any animal protein (even smoked flavors) because the acidity of the vinegar balances the richness of the meat. 

Add a pickle coleslaw to your pulled pork sandwich or complement spicy barbeque with the coolness of extra pickle chips. Want more inspiration? Get in touch and we can share our recommendations for protein and pickle pairings. 

Trend four: Let's Talk TikTok

Whether you’re a TikTok fan or not, there’s no denying this social platform has become a significant driver for restaurant traffic9. In fact, 58% of all U.S. millennials have visited or ordered food from a restaurant after seeing it on the app and that’s only the beginning9. Users across all age groups seem to be turning to TikTok for dining “recommendations.” 

TikTok’s growing popularity also means short-form video is the new food photography. Consumers want more than static shots of elegant dishes and beautiful backgrounds. They’re craving action — the food, the experience and everything in between10. Think cheese pulls, sauce drips, drink pours and tableside preparations.

Beyond TikTok’s influence in the food industry, the platform is expected to maintain its social reign well into the foreseeable future11. TikTok reached 1 billion users worldwide in 2021 and that number nearly doubled by the time 2022 came to a close11. All we can say is that it’s become quite the marketing opportunity for restaurants large and small.  

Two women taking pictures of their plates at a restaurant


The TikTok conversation is almost as vast as its number of loyal users. What stands out to us right now is the way large restaurant chains are tapping into TikTok influencers to test out menu hacks and LTOs. Depending on your following, that means crowd-sourced faves could lead to big business for you.


Get in touch and we’ll have our protein trend extraordinaire, 
Connie Phenicie, reach out and get to know your business. 


Collage of sandwich photos

Who is Heritage Premium Meats?

Born to two legacy brands, Heritage Premium Meats is a distinguished collective built on listening, collaborating and sharing ideas that solve real business problems. Authentically crafted protein solutions that are rooted in tradition and ready for the future. 

For you, that means getting exactly what you need, just the way you want it. Whether it’s a private label product or flavor that’s uniquely yours, you can let your imagination lead the way when you partner with us. Because together, anything is possible.

1Food Network, 2022
2Restaurant Business, 10/2022
3Eater, 10/2021
4Tastewise, 2022
5Restuarant Business, 12/2022
6New York Times, 12/2022
7Yelp, 2023
8PureWow, 12/2022
9Bar and Restaurant, 11/2022
10Datassential 2023 Trends, 2022
11Delish, 12/2022



The new year is upon us and when it comes to the latest foodservice trends, we’re seeing everything from obvious to extreme. What does it all mean for you? Here’s our take on four trends that could be significant for your business.

Trend One: The Power of Nostalgia

Vintage style photograph of a white Russian beverage
Vintage style photograph of corn dogs

Since the pandemic, many Americans have turned to brands and foods that remind them of simpler times1. Yes, old is the new new in the dining world, and we’re seeing everything from pimento cheese spreads and Baked Alaska to Dirty Shirleys and White Russians show up on menus.

Fast food chains are embracing this trend by bringing back a variety of seasonal items from the 80s2. Some are even going back to their 90s logos for a more retro look and feel3. On the fine dining side, we’re seeing twists on kid classics, like specially sourced premium beef for an elevated take on the corn dog. 

Whatever the dish, restaurants everywhere are riding this nostalgic wave as the popularity of retro foods and drinks grows.


Nostalgia-inspired cravings can vary across the generations, making them the perfect inspiration for an LTO. Start with what you know by bringing back some of your own nostalgic favorites. Need a little retro inspiration? Get in touch and we can help you figure out what’s right for your menu.

Trend two: Sustainability Now

Admittedly, the topic of sustainability in the restaurant world is too vast to cover in a few short paragraphs. What we want to focus on is just how significant environmental responsibility is to your customers. And ultimately for you.

Gen Z and millennials are taking the lead in the sustainability conversation4. For them, it’s now or never — the health of our planet is reaching a breaking point — meaning that the businesses they support must have a sustainability commitment that goes beyond table stake gestures5

What’s important here is that operators across ALL segments (not just eco-conscious indie chefs) need to take a hard look at their carbon footprint, packaging choices and anything else that might impact the health of the planet5

There’s a new generation of consumers emerging. People who want and expect their food to come from companies that are actively healing the planet through 1) carbon-reducing agriculture 2) ethical animal welfare policies and 3) the equitable treatment of those who grow and produce our food6.

Shot of an unrecognisable woman using a digital tablet while working on a farm

Close Up Of Female Worker in Cafe Serving Meal In Sustainable Recyclable Packaging With Wooden Spoon


Consumer expectations are high. Sustainability plans can no longer sit on the back burner. And whatever you can do to embrace more transparent and measurable environmental standards, the easier it’ll be to stay relevant to your customers.  

Large restaurant chains are best equipped to make a visible impact on waste reduction, green packaging and sustainable sourcing based on the sheer volume of their output. That said, implementing such standards takes time, so nudge it to the top of your priority list. 

Either way, now is the time to get started or expand what you’re already doing.

Trend three: Vinegar, pickles and brine (oh my!)

Preserved food in glass jars.

“Brine Dining” is expected to be one of the bigger trends of 20237. In fact, pickle-flavored food searches have grown by 55% in the past year8. We’re seeing new twists on these flavors show up in everything from drinks and cocktail garnishes to side dishes, entrees and desserts. 

Why? It’s not totally clear — especially when pickles can be polarizing — but we do know that a big part of the intrigue has to do with their distinct flavor and texture. Pickles are salty, tangy, mouth-puckering and delicious (in our opinion). And let’s not forget that satisfying crispy crunch. 

Then there’s the multiple uses for leftover pickle juice, which can add briny flavors to baby carrots, olives or pretty much any vegetable that will fit in the jar. Pickle juice can also be used in salad dressings, cocktail mixers and so on. 


Whatever your take on the rising popularity of pickled things, now’s the time to incorporate more of them into your menu. Briny and fermented flavors are an ideal pairing with any animal protein (even smoked flavors) because the acidity of the vinegar balances the richness of the meat. 

Add a pickle coleslaw to your pulled pork sandwich or complement spicy barbeque with the coolness of extra pickle chips. Want more inspiration? Get in touch and we can share our recommendations for protein and pickle pairings. 

Trend four: Let's Talk TikTok

Whether you’re a TikTok fan or not, there’s no denying this social platform has become a significant driver for restaurant traffic9. In fact, 58% of all U.S. millennials have visited or ordered food from a restaurant after seeing it on the app and that’s only the beginning9. Users across all age groups seem to be turning to TikTok for dining “recommendations.” 

TikTok’s growing popularity also means short-form video is the new food photography. Consumers want more than static shots of elegant dishes and beautiful backgrounds. They’re craving action — the food, the experience and everything in between10. Think cheese pulls, sauce drips, drink pours and tableside preparations.

Beyond TikTok’s influence in the food industry, the platform is expected to maintain its social reign well into the foreseeable future11. TikTok reached 1 billion users worldwide in 2021 and that number nearly doubled by the time 2022 came to a close11. All we can say is that it’s become quite the marketing opportunity for restaurants large and small.  

Two women taking pictures of their plates at a restaurant


The TikTok conversation is almost as vast as its number of loyal users. What stands out to us right now is the way large restaurant chains are tapping into TikTok influencers to test out menu hacks and LTOs. Depending on your following, that means crowd-sourced faves could lead to big business for you.


Get in touch and we’ll have our protein trend extraordinaire, 
Mark LaBarge, reach out and get to know your business. 


Collage of sandwich photos

Who is Heritage Premium Meats?

Born to two legacy brands, Heritage Premium Meats is a distinguished collective built on listening, collaborating and sharing ideas that solve real business problems. Authentically crafted protein solutions that are rooted in tradition and ready for the future. 

For you, that means getting exactly what you need, just the way you want it. Whether it’s a private label product or flavor that’s uniquely yours, you can let your imagination lead the way when you partner with us. Because together, anything is possible.

1Food Network, 2022
2Restaurant Business, 10/2022
3Eater, 10/2021
4Tastewise, 2022
5Restuarant Business, 12/2022
6New York Times, 12/2022
7Yelp, 2023
8PureWow, 12/2022
9Bar and Restaurant, 11/2022
10Datassential 2023 Trends, 2022
11Delish, 12/2022



The new year is upon us and when it comes to the latest foodservice trends, we’re seeing everything from obvious to extreme. What does it all mean for you? Here’s our take on four trends that could be significant for your business.

Trend One: The Power of Nostalgia

Vintage style photograph of a white Russian beverage
Vintage style photograph of corn dogs

Since the pandemic, many Americans have turned to brands and foods that remind them of simpler times1. Yes, old is the new new in the dining world, and we’re seeing everything from pimento cheese spreads and Baked Alaska to Dirty Shirleys and White Russians show up on menus.

Fast food chains are embracing this trend by bringing back a variety of seasonal items from the 80s2. Some are even going back to their 90s logos for a more retro look and feel3. On the fine dining side, we’re seeing twists on kid classics, like specially sourced premium beef for an elevated take on the corn dog. 

Whatever the dish, restaurants everywhere are riding this nostalgic wave as the popularity of retro foods and drinks grows.


Nostalgia-inspired cravings can vary across the generations, making them the perfect inspiration for an LTO. Start with what you know by bringing back some of your own nostalgic favorites. Need a little retro inspiration? Get in touch and we can help you figure out what’s right for your menu.

Trend two: Sustainability Now

Admittedly, the topic of sustainability in the restaurant world is too vast to cover in a few short paragraphs. What we want to focus on is just how significant environmental responsibility is to your customers. And ultimately for you.

Gen Z and millennials are taking the lead in the sustainability conversation4. For them, it’s now or never — the health of our planet is reaching a breaking point — meaning that the businesses they support must have a sustainability commitment that goes beyond table stake gestures5

What’s important here is that operators across ALL segments (not just eco-conscious indie chefs) need to take a hard look at their carbon footprint, packaging choices and anything else that might impact the health of the planet5

There’s a new generation of consumers emerging. People who want and expect their food to come from companies that are actively healing the planet through 1) carbon-reducing agriculture 2) ethical animal welfare policies and 3) the equitable treatment of those who grow and produce our food6.

Shot of an unrecognisable woman using a digital tablet while working on a farm

Close Up Of Female Worker in Cafe Serving Meal In Sustainable Recyclable Packaging With Wooden Spoon


Consumer expectations are high. Sustainability plans can no longer sit on the back burner. And whatever you can do to embrace more transparent and measurable environmental standards, the easier it’ll be to stay relevant to your customers.  

Large restaurant chains are best equipped to make a visible impact on waste reduction, green packaging and sustainable sourcing based on the sheer volume of their output. That said, implementing such standards takes time, so nudge it to the top of your priority list. 

Either way, now is the time to get started or expand what you’re already doing.

Trend three: Vinegar, pickles and brine (oh my!)

Preserved food in glass jars.

“Brine Dining” is expected to be one of the bigger trends of 20237. In fact, pickle-flavored food searches have grown by 55% in the past year8. We’re seeing new twists on these flavors show up in everything from drinks and cocktail garnishes to side dishes, entrees and desserts. 

Why? It’s not totally clear — especially when pickles can be polarizing — but we do know that a big part of the intrigue has to do with their distinct flavor and texture. Pickles are salty, tangy, mouth-puckering and delicious (in our opinion). And let’s not forget that satisfying crispy crunch. 

Then there’s the multiple uses for leftover pickle juice, which can add briny flavors to baby carrots, olives or pretty much any vegetable that will fit in the jar. Pickle juice can also be used in salad dressings, cocktail mixers and so on. 


Whatever your take on the rising popularity of pickled things, now’s the time to incorporate more of them into your menu. Briny and fermented flavors are an ideal pairing with any animal protein (even smoked flavors) because the acidity of the vinegar balances the richness of the meat. 

Add a pickle coleslaw to your pulled pork sandwich or complement spicy barbeque with the coolness of extra pickle chips. Want more inspiration? Get in touch and we can share our recommendations for protein and pickle pairings. 

Trend four: Let's Talk TikTok

Whether you’re a TikTok fan or not, there’s no denying this social platform has become a significant driver for restaurant traffic9. In fact, 58% of all U.S. millennials have visited or ordered food from a restaurant after seeing it on the app and that’s only the beginning9. Users across all age groups seem to be turning to TikTok for dining “recommendations.” 

TikTok’s growing popularity also means short-form video is the new food photography. Consumers want more than static shots of elegant dishes and beautiful backgrounds. They’re craving action — the food, the experience and everything in between10. Think cheese pulls, sauce drips, drink pours and tableside preparations.

Beyond TikTok’s influence in the food industry, the platform is expected to maintain its social reign well into the foreseeable future11. TikTok reached 1 billion users worldwide in 2021 and that number nearly doubled by the time 2022 came to a close11. All we can say is that it’s become quite the marketing opportunity for restaurants large and small.  

Two women taking pictures of their plates at a restaurant


The TikTok conversation is almost as vast as its number of loyal users. What stands out to us right now is the way large restaurant chains are tapping into TikTok influencers to test out menu hacks and LTOs. Depending on your following, that means crowd-sourced faves could lead to big business for you.


Get in touch and we’ll have our protein trend extraordinaire, 
Matt Howe, reach out and get to know your business. 


Collage of sandwich photos

Who is Heritage Premium Meats?

Born to two legacy brands, Heritage Premium Meats is a distinguished collective built on listening, collaborating and sharing ideas that solve real business problems. Authentically crafted protein solutions that are rooted in tradition and ready for the future. 

For you, that means getting exactly what you need, just the way you want it. Whether it’s a private label product or flavor that’s uniquely yours, you can let your imagination lead the way when you partner with us. Because together, anything is possible.

1Food Network, 2022
2Restaurant Business, 10/2022
3Eater, 10/2021
4Tastewise, 2022
5Restuarant Business, 12/2022
6New York Times, 12/2022
7Yelp, 2023
8PureWow, 12/2022
9Bar and Restaurant, 11/2022
10Datassential 2023 Trends, 2022
11Delish, 12/2022



The new year is upon us and when it comes to the latest foodservice trends, we’re seeing everything from obvious to extreme. What does it all mean for you? Here’s our take on four trends that could be significant for your business.

Trend One: The Power of Nostalgia

Vintage style photograph of a white Russian beverage
Vintage style photograph of corn dogs

Since the pandemic, many Americans have turned to brands and foods that remind them of simpler times1. Yes, old is the new new in the dining world, and we’re seeing everything from pimento cheese spreads and Baked Alaska to Dirty Shirleys and White Russians show up on menus.

Fast food chains are embracing this trend by bringing back a variety of seasonal items from the 80s2. Some are even going back to their 90s logos for a more retro look and feel3. On the fine dining side, we’re seeing twists on kid classics, like specially sourced premium beef for an elevated take on the corn dog. 

Whatever the dish, restaurants everywhere are riding this nostalgic wave as the popularity of retro foods and drinks grows.


Nostalgia-inspired cravings can vary across the generations, making them the perfect inspiration for an LTO. Start with what you know by bringing back some of your own nostalgic favorites. Need a little retro inspiration? Get in touch and we can help you figure out what’s right for your menu.

Trend two: Sustainability Now

Admittedly, the topic of sustainability in the restaurant world is too vast to cover in a few short paragraphs. What we want to focus on is just how significant environmental responsibility is to your customers. And ultimately for you.

Gen Z and millennials are taking the lead in the sustainability conversation4. For them, it’s now or never — the health of our planet is reaching a breaking point — meaning that the businesses they support must have a sustainability commitment that goes beyond table stake gestures5

What’s important here is that operators across ALL segments (not just eco-conscious indie chefs) need to take a hard look at their carbon footprint, packaging choices and anything else that might impact the health of the planet5

There’s a new generation of consumers emerging. People who want and expect their food to come from companies that are actively healing the planet through 1) carbon-reducing agriculture 2) ethical animal welfare policies and 3) the equitable treatment of those who grow and produce our food6.

Shot of an unrecognisable woman using a digital tablet while working on a farm

Close Up Of Female Worker in Cafe Serving Meal In Sustainable Recyclable Packaging With Wooden Spoon


Consumer expectations are high. Sustainability plans can no longer sit on the back burner. And whatever you can do to embrace more transparent and measurable environmental standards, the easier it’ll be to stay relevant to your customers.  

Large restaurant chains are best equipped to make a visible impact on waste reduction, green packaging and sustainable sourcing based on the sheer volume of their output. That said, implementing such standards takes time, so nudge it to the top of your priority list. 

Either way, now is the time to get started or expand what you’re already doing.

Trend three: Vinegar, pickles and brine (oh my!)

Preserved food in glass jars.

“Brine Dining” is expected to be one of the bigger trends of 20237. In fact, pickle-flavored food searches have grown by 55% in the past year8. We’re seeing new twists on these flavors show up in everything from drinks and cocktail garnishes to side dishes, entrees and desserts. 

Why? It’s not totally clear — especially when pickles can be polarizing — but we do know that a big part of the intrigue has to do with their distinct flavor and texture. Pickles are salty, tangy, mouth-puckering and delicious (in our opinion). And let’s not forget that satisfying crispy crunch. 

Then there’s the multiple uses for leftover pickle juice, which can add briny flavors to baby carrots, olives or pretty much any vegetable that will fit in the jar. Pickle juice can also be used in salad dressings, cocktail mixers and so on. 


Whatever your take on the rising popularity of pickled things, now’s the time to incorporate more of them into your menu. Briny and fermented flavors are an ideal pairing with any animal protein (even smoked flavors) because the acidity of the vinegar balances the richness of the meat. 

Add a pickle coleslaw to your pulled pork sandwich or complement spicy barbeque with the coolness of extra pickle chips. Want more inspiration? Get in touch and we can share our recommendations for protein and pickle pairings. 

Trend four: Let's Talk TikTok

Whether you’re a TikTok fan or not, there’s no denying this social platform has become a significant driver for restaurant traffic9. In fact, 58% of all U.S. millennials have visited or ordered food from a restaurant after seeing it on the app and that’s only the beginning9. Users across all age groups seem to be turning to TikTok for dining “recommendations.” 

TikTok’s growing popularity also means short-form video is the new food photography. Consumers want more than static shots of elegant dishes and beautiful backgrounds. They’re craving action — the food, the experience and everything in between10. Think cheese pulls, sauce drips, drink pours and tableside preparations.

Beyond TikTok’s influence in the food industry, the platform is expected to maintain its social reign well into the foreseeable future11. TikTok reached 1 billion users worldwide in 2021 and that number nearly doubled by the time 2022 came to a close11. All we can say is that it’s become quite the marketing opportunity for restaurants large and small.  

Two women taking pictures of their plates at a restaurant


The TikTok conversation is almost as vast as its number of loyal users. What stands out to us right now is the way large restaurant chains are tapping into TikTok influencers to test out menu hacks and LTOs. Depending on your following, that means crowd-sourced faves could lead to big business for you.


Get in touch and we’ll have our protein trend extraordinaire, 
Maddie Ficken, reach out and get to know your business. 


Collage of sandwich photos

Who is Heritage Premium Meats?

Born to two legacy brands, Heritage Premium Meats is a distinguished collective built on listening, collaborating and sharing ideas that solve real business problems. Authentically crafted protein solutions that are rooted in tradition and ready for the future. 

For you, that means getting exactly what you need, just the way you want it. Whether it’s a private label product or flavor that’s uniquely yours, you can let your imagination lead the way when you partner with us. Because together, anything is possible.

1Food Network, 2022
2Restaurant Business, 10/2022
3Eater, 10/2021
4Tastewise, 2022
5Restuarant Business, 12/2022
6New York Times, 12/2022
7Yelp, 2023
8PureWow, 12/2022
9Bar and Restaurant, 11/2022
10Datassential 2023 Trends, 2022
11Delish, 12/2022



The new year is upon us and when it comes to the latest foodservice trends, we’re seeing everything from obvious to extreme. What does it all mean for you? Here’s our take on four trends that could be significant for your business.

Trend One: The Power of Nostalgia

Vintage style photograph of a white Russian beverage
Vintage style photograph of corn dogs

Since the pandemic, many Americans have turned to brands and foods that remind them of simpler times1. Yes, old is the new new in the dining world, and we’re seeing everything from pimento cheese spreads and Baked Alaska to Dirty Shirleys and White Russians show up on menus.

Fast food chains are embracing this trend by bringing back a variety of seasonal items from the 80s2. Some are even going back to their 90s logos for a more retro look and feel3. On the fine dining side, we’re seeing twists on kid classics, like specially sourced premium beef for an elevated take on the corn dog. 

Whatever the dish, restaurants everywhere are riding this nostalgic wave as the popularity of retro foods and drinks grows.


Nostalgia-inspired cravings can vary across the generations, making them the perfect inspiration for an LTO. Start with what you know by bringing back some of your own nostalgic favorites. Need a little retro inspiration? Get in touch and we can help you figure out what’s right for your menu.

Trend two: Sustainability Now

Admittedly, the topic of sustainability in the restaurant world is too vast to cover in a few short paragraphs. What we want to focus on is just how significant environmental responsibility is to your customers. And ultimately for you.

Gen Z and millennials are taking the lead in the sustainability conversation4. For them, it’s now or never — the health of our planet is reaching a breaking point — meaning that the businesses they support must have a sustainability commitment that goes beyond table stake gestures5

What’s important here is that operators across ALL segments (not just eco-conscious indie chefs) need to take a hard look at their carbon footprint, packaging choices and anything else that might impact the health of the planet5

There’s a new generation of consumers emerging. People who want and expect their food to come from companies that are actively healing the planet through 1) carbon-reducing agriculture 2) ethical animal welfare policies and 3) the equitable treatment of those who grow and produce our food6.

Shot of an unrecognisable woman using a digital tablet while working on a farm

Close Up Of Female Worker in Cafe Serving Meal In Sustainable Recyclable Packaging With Wooden Spoon


Consumer expectations are high. Sustainability plans can no longer sit on the back burner. And whatever you can do to embrace more transparent and measurable environmental standards, the easier it’ll be to stay relevant to your customers.  

Large restaurant chains are best equipped to make a visible impact on waste reduction, green packaging and sustainable sourcing based on the sheer volume of their output. That said, implementing such standards takes time, so nudge it to the top of your priority list. 

Either way, now is the time to get started or expand what you’re already doing.

Trend three: Vinegar, pickles and brine (oh my!)

Preserved food in glass jars.

“Brine Dining” is expected to be one of the bigger trends of 20237. In fact, pickle-flavored food searches have grown by 55% in the past year8. We’re seeing new twists on these flavors show up in everything from drinks and cocktail garnishes to side dishes, entrees and desserts. 

Why? It’s not totally clear — especially when pickles can be polarizing — but we do know that a big part of the intrigue has to do with their distinct flavor and texture. Pickles are salty, tangy, mouth-puckering and delicious (in our opinion). And let’s not forget that satisfying crispy crunch. 

Then there’s the multiple uses for leftover pickle juice, which can add briny flavors to baby carrots, olives or pretty much any vegetable that will fit in the jar. Pickle juice can also be used in salad dressings, cocktail mixers and so on. 


Whatever your take on the rising popularity of pickled things, now’s the time to incorporate more of them into your menu. Briny and fermented flavors are an ideal pairing with any animal protein (even smoked flavors) because the acidity of the vinegar balances the richness of the meat. 

Add a pickle coleslaw to your pulled pork sandwich or complement spicy barbeque with the coolness of extra pickle chips. Want more inspiration? Get in touch and we can share our recommendations for protein and pickle pairings. 

Trend four: Let's Talk TikTok

Whether you’re a TikTok fan or not, there’s no denying this social platform has become a significant driver for restaurant traffic9. In fact, 58% of all U.S. millennials have visited or ordered food from a restaurant after seeing it on the app and that’s only the beginning9. Users across all age groups seem to be turning to TikTok for dining “recommendations.” 

TikTok’s growing popularity also means short-form video is the new food photography. Consumers want more than static shots of elegant dishes and beautiful backgrounds. They’re craving action — the food, the experience and everything in between10. Think cheese pulls, sauce drips, drink pours and tableside preparations.

Beyond TikTok’s influence in the food industry, the platform is expected to maintain its social reign well into the foreseeable future11. TikTok reached 1 billion users worldwide in 2021 and that number nearly doubled by the time 2022 came to a close11. All we can say is that it’s become quite the marketing opportunity for restaurants large and small.  

Two women taking pictures of their plates at a restaurant


The TikTok conversation is almost as vast as its number of loyal users. What stands out to us right now is the way large restaurant chains are tapping into TikTok influencers to test out menu hacks and LTOs. Depending on your following, that means crowd-sourced faves could lead to big business for you.


Get in touch and we’ll have our protein trend extraordinaire, 
Mike Durben, reach out and get to know your business. 


Collage of sandwich photos

Who is Heritage Premium Meats?

Born to two legacy brands, Heritage Premium Meats is a distinguished collective built on listening, collaborating and sharing ideas that solve real business problems. Authentically crafted protein solutions that are rooted in tradition and ready for the future. 

For you, that means getting exactly what you need, just the way you want it. Whether it’s a private label product or flavor that’s uniquely yours, you can let your imagination lead the way when you partner with us. Because together, anything is possible.

1Food Network, 2022
2Restaurant Business, 10/2022
3Eater, 10/2021
4Tastewise, 2022
5Restuarant Business, 12/2022
6New York Times, 12/2022
7Yelp, 2023
8PureWow, 12/2022
9Bar and Restaurant, 11/2022
10Datassential 2023 Trends, 2022
11Delish, 12/2022



The new year is upon us and when it comes to the latest foodservice trends, we’re seeing everything from obvious to extreme. What does it all mean for you? Here’s our take on four trends that could be significant for your business.

Trend One: The Power of Nostalgia

Vintage style photograph of a white Russian beverage
Vintage style photograph of corn dogs

Since the pandemic, many Americans have turned to brands and foods that remind them of simpler times1. Yes, old is the new new in the dining world, and we’re seeing everything from pimento cheese spreads and Baked Alaska to Dirty Shirleys and White Russians show up on menus.

Fast food chains are embracing this trend by bringing back a variety of seasonal items from the 80s2. Some are even going back to their 90s logos for a more retro look and feel3. On the fine dining side, we’re seeing twists on kid classics, like specially sourced premium beef for an elevated take on the corn dog. 

Whatever the dish, restaurants everywhere are riding this nostalgic wave as the popularity of retro foods and drinks grows.


Nostalgia-inspired cravings can vary across the generations, making them the perfect inspiration for an LTO. Start with what you know by bringing back some of your own nostalgic favorites. Need a little retro inspiration? Get in touch and we can help you figure out what’s right for your menu.

Trend two: Sustainability Now

Admittedly, the topic of sustainability in the restaurant world is too vast to cover in a few short paragraphs. What we want to focus on is just how significant environmental responsibility is to your customers. And ultimately for you.

Gen Z and millennials are taking the lead in the sustainability conversation4. For them, it’s now or never — the health of our planet is reaching a breaking point — meaning that the businesses they support must have a sustainability commitment that goes beyond table stake gestures5

What’s important here is that operators across ALL segments (not just eco-conscious indie chefs) need to take a hard look at their carbon footprint, packaging choices and anything else that might impact the health of the planet5

There’s a new generation of consumers emerging. People who want and expect their food to come from companies that are actively healing the planet through 1) carbon-reducing agriculture 2) ethical animal welfare policies and 3) the equitable treatment of those who grow and produce our food6.

Shot of an unrecognisable woman using a digital tablet while working on a farm

Close Up Of Female Worker in Cafe Serving Meal In Sustainable Recyclable Packaging With Wooden Spoon


Consumer expectations are high. Sustainability plans can no longer sit on the back burner. And whatever you can do to embrace more transparent and measurable environmental standards, the easier it’ll be to stay relevant to your customers.  

Large restaurant chains are best equipped to make a visible impact on waste reduction, green packaging and sustainable sourcing based on the sheer volume of their output. That said, implementing such standards takes time, so nudge it to the top of your priority list. 

Either way, now is the time to get started or expand what you’re already doing.

Trend three: Vinegar, pickles and brine (oh my!)

Preserved food in glass jars.

“Brine Dining” is expected to be one of the bigger trends of 20237. In fact, pickle-flavored food searches have grown by 55% in the past year8. We’re seeing new twists on these flavors show up in everything from drinks and cocktail garnishes to side dishes, entrees and desserts. 

Why? It’s not totally clear — especially when pickles can be polarizing — but we do know that a big part of the intrigue has to do with their distinct flavor and texture. Pickles are salty, tangy, mouth-puckering and delicious (in our opinion). And let’s not forget that satisfying crispy crunch. 

Then there’s the multiple uses for leftover pickle juice, which can add briny flavors to baby carrots, olives or pretty much any vegetable that will fit in the jar. Pickle juice can also be used in salad dressings, cocktail mixers and so on. 


Whatever your take on the rising popularity of pickled things, now’s the time to incorporate more of them into your menu. Briny and fermented flavors are an ideal pairing with any animal protein (even smoked flavors) because the acidity of the vinegar balances the richness of the meat. 

Add a pickle coleslaw to your pulled pork sandwich or complement spicy barbeque with the coolness of extra pickle chips. Want more inspiration? Get in touch and we can share our recommendations for protein and pickle pairings. 

Trend four: Let's Talk TikTok

Whether you’re a TikTok fan or not, there’s no denying this social platform has become a significant driver for restaurant traffic9. In fact, 58% of all U.S. millennials have visited or ordered food from a restaurant after seeing it on the app and that’s only the beginning9. Users across all age groups seem to be turning to TikTok for dining “recommendations.” 

TikTok’s growing popularity also means short-form video is the new food photography. Consumers want more than static shots of elegant dishes and beautiful backgrounds. They’re craving action — the food, the experience and everything in between10. Think cheese pulls, sauce drips, drink pours and tableside preparations.

Beyond TikTok’s influence in the food industry, the platform is expected to maintain its social reign well into the foreseeable future11. TikTok reached 1 billion users worldwide in 2021 and that number nearly doubled by the time 2022 came to a close11. All we can say is that it’s become quite the marketing opportunity for restaurants large and small.  

Two women taking pictures of their plates at a restaurant


The TikTok conversation is almost as vast as its number of loyal users. What stands out to us right now is the way large restaurant chains are tapping into TikTok influencers to test out menu hacks and LTOs. Depending on your following, that means crowd-sourced faves could lead to big business for you.


Get in touch and we’ll have our protein trend extraordinaire, 
Christine Bowers, reach out and get to know your business. 


Collage of sandwich photos

Who is Heritage Premium Meats?

Born to two legacy brands, Heritage Premium Meats is a distinguished collective built on listening, collaborating and sharing ideas that solve real business problems. Authentically crafted protein solutions that are rooted in tradition and ready for the future. 

For you, that means getting exactly what you need, just the way you want it. Whether it’s a private label product or flavor that’s uniquely yours, you can let your imagination lead the way when you partner with us. Because together, anything is possible.

1Food Network, 2022
2Restaurant Business, 10/2022
3Eater, 10/2021
4Tastewise, 2022
5Restuarant Business, 12/2022
6New York Times, 12/2022
7Yelp, 2023
8PureWow, 12/2022
9Bar and Restaurant, 11/2022
10Datassential 2023 Trends, 2022
11Delish, 12/2022